1999 Schedule of Topics

Here is a tentative list of some of the topics that will probably be on the schedule for 1999. A detailed day-by-day itinerary is forthcoming.

Harris: Making a story a story, with tricks from radio that work in print, too.

Harris: Anatomy of an investigative science story. A step by step description of how an NPR investigative report was put together and aired.

Overbye and Johnson. Writing a scientific biography. Two would-be biographers describe the ordeal of turning two scientists' lives (Albert Einstein's and Murray Gell-Mann's) into stories fit for popular consumption.

Overbye. Crafting character into a science narrative. The making of his book "Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos."

Overbye. Behind the scenes at Science Times.

Garrett. Reporting on the roots of the coming plague.

Garrett: Inside Newsday. Living the life of a beat science reporter.

Garrett, Harris, Overbye, Johnson, Blakeslee. The staff will take a recent big science story and analyze how it was covered by several different national publications.